Thursday, April 11, 2013

Scam Email: Carol Grant

Hi Kathleen,

Here is a scammer "Carol Grant" who tried to prey on one of our artists. Thankfully she forwarded it to us.


From: Carol Grant []
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: Payment and Pickup...................


In the mean time, kindly get back to me with your Full Name,Contact Address and also your Cell phone# so I can get a check prepared and have it sent out to you ASAP.

My shipper should be in town sometime next week and will definitely be getting in touch with you for the pickup and also to inspect it for me.

Truth is, I would have handled this much differently if i would be at home but Im a bit pressed for time myself. Im moving to South Africa this month as Im being transferred and Promoted.

As it is, I'm sending you check which will include my shippers fees as well.He has asked for an upfront before coming and since I have no access to a lot of cash, Im trying to kill two birds with a stone.

So, once you have received and cashed the check, deduct your funds and PLEASE help me send the remaining funds to him(shipper). I will forward his contact details to you once you have received the payment.

Now I'm concluding you are a responsible person and I can therefore entrust you with this arrangement.I'll let you know Immediately the check is sent out to you so you should be looking out for it.
I'll surely give you a call later when Im free. Many thanks and talk to you soon,


Begin forwarded message:

From: Carol Grant []
Subject: Re: Payment..............................
Date: April 5, 2013 9:14:23 PM CDT
Reply-To: Carol Grant


Thanks for your prompt reply.

Unfortunately, Im on my way to Mexico on an official trip(I'm a marketing Executive) and wont be back for another two weeks, I would have come to inspect the piece personally. Im taking your word for true on It though.

I'm okay with the price $1000, I think it worth it anyway. If you'd like to know, Im relocating to the South Africa soon and I'm trying to gather some good stuff for my new abode. Im buying yours amongst others,quickly! before someone else grabs it.So, I'll arrange to send you payment ASAP.

However, I'll have to notify my shipper who's helping me move my stuff to get set for the pickup of the piece from your place as I MIGHT be delayed depending on how things goes.


PS: In the mean time, kindly get back to me with your Full Name,Contact Address and also your phone# so I can get a check prepared and have it sent out to you ASAP.


On Apr 5, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Carol Grant wrote:


These  particular artwork of yours that you have for sale, is it still available,if yes let me have the detailed price.



  1. I just received an email from Carol Grant and it seemed a bit off. I googled her email and your site came up first. Thank you for warning artists about her.

    Warm wishes,


  2. Dear Kathleen,

    Thank you so much for this blog! I received a "Carol Grant" set of scam emails today and without your blog, I may not have detected it.


  3. Thank you for sharing this, we had exactly the same with just a different amount. I know these spam emails but this one seemed quite genuine enough. How tiresome.


  4. Yes- Thank you, thank you. Is there any way we can find the source?

  5. Not typically. That is what they are good at. They hijack other people's accounts and servers and send their mail out from there so they can't be traced. That is why I keep encouraging people to post these emails publicly online and to search for them BEFORE sending money to anyone and hopefully we are at least chipping away at the problem.

  6. *sighs* Got one this morning and was hoping it was the real deal. Thanks for the warning!

  7. I just received one yesterday. I thought it sounded convoluted, plus I am not comfortable with a stranger coming to my home. I wondered why a person would insist on sending a check when I have a payment button on my website.

    I am also surprised to see two of my zazzle products in the sidebar of this blog. Is that a coincidence or what?

  8. What an excellent blog resource for artists! We just received a Carol Grant email, and with a one-click Google search of her email (, we found this site. We got the same message many others have reported:


    These particular artwork of yours that you have for sale, is it still available,if yes let me have the detailed price.


    We've marked the message as junk, and bookmarked StopArtScams as our first resource to weed out the real art buyers from the heinous scammers.

    Thank you!

  9. Thank you!!! So usuful post!!!!

  10. I received the same email inquiry this morning [June 3, 2013 6:53:56 AM EDT - Carol Grant ]:


    These particular artwork of yours that you have for sale, is it still available,if yes let me have the detailed price.


  11. Received one of these 'Carol Grant' emails this morning. I knew it was a scam by the language, and I did a search to see if anyone else had reported it to make other artist wary. I'm glad your BLOG is doing just that.

    Thank you!

  12. Yes, thank you so very much for this blog!

  13. Thank you. I got today such an unsecure email.

  14. thank you!! I just receive one today. My feeling was not good and I searched google. thank you for posting about that. I just wrote about it on my blog.

  15. Well I got one today. Dang. But it sounded off from the beginning. Thanks for posting this.

  16. Hello Kathleen,

    I want to thank you for your comprehensive do's and don'ts of email scams against artists. I came across your site/blog/facebook page when I was looking for an informational link to forward to the group of artists I represent in my gallery in CA. I've started getting a fresh bunch of scam emails and wanted to alert them. Yours was the best by far in description and what to look out for. Thank you.

    Please add these two names to your list:

    Sharon Grant address: S grant 10 East Pafford Avenue Torquay TQ2 8DB United Kingdom

    Andy Cole address: 23 Al Manahil Building, Shatti Al Qurum, Sultanate of Oman Postal Code 211

  17. I received an email from the same address.23 Al Manahil Building, Shatti Al Qurum, Sultanate of Oman 211 only the email was from he wanted to get a quote on an art piece. Thanks for posting scams, I will delete his email
