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Sunday, October 6, 2024

QR Code Scams

 Scammers have been using QR Codes to trick victims for some time, but I'd say the FBI starting posting warnings about this around 2022.

The more common QR Codes become, the more scammers use them in their crimes.

Here are some recent ways scammers are using QR Codes:

1. You get an email or text that says you've won something, or the message is faked to look like it is coming from a bank or a credit card company or a vendor. You may even receive an actual letter or package with a QR Code on it (scammers need to work lots of potential victims so they try to use the cheapest methods). You are asked to scan the QR Code to take the next step or to 'confirm a transaction'. Often these QR Code redirect to fake websites that look real and proceed to steal your information. Sometimes this QR Codes just then download malware to your device. Don't do it!

A common one I've seen recently begins with a notification of ‘suspicious activity' on one of the victim's online accounts (the scammer is guessing and sometimes they guess right) and include a link or QR code for the user to verify their identity. Don't do it!

2. Government and utility imposters. This scam uses the name (and sometimes fake websites) to tell potential victims they have an outstanding debt that needs to be paid immediately or something terrible will happen (a warrant for arrest or if utility that your utilities will be shut off). The potential victim is told they can submit payment via a QR Code. Don't do it!

3. Parking meter payments. Fake QR Codes have been placed on the back of parking meters, leading potential victims to assume they can pay for parking through the QR Code if they do not have change. Do not do it!

How to avoid QR Scams

In general, I would not use them even though they are convenient, unless I had confirm the legitimacy of them by picking up the phone of that company, sending an email, getting into online chat, or asking on social media that it is, in fact, legitimate. Otherwise, skip the convenience of it.

Any text, email, call that uses language around 'act now or [fill in the blank with negative consequences] will happen' should be a big ole red flag for you. Stop and go another route or ignore the message completely.

It's not easy, but look for signs of tampering and layering of multiple stickers on top of one another or in a place that seems odd. Most businesses permanently install scannable QR codes using laminate or placing them behind glass in their establishments. They will often include the business’s logo in the code, often in the middle (not to say scammers won't eventually figure out how to fake this, too).

If a QR Code has redirected you to a website that request personal details or login credentials - STOP! Legitimate organizations typically do not ask for sensitive information through QR codes.

Use QR Codes through trusted applications on your mobile device. For example, through my big chain grocery store app on my phone, I use QR Codes to get additional discounts. I would never do this outside their official app.

Trust Your Intuition. If something feels off or suspicious about a QR code or the situation in which it is presented, trust your instincts and refrain from scanning it. Your intuition can often alert you to potential scams before they transpire.

Trust me, you'll be fine in the world not scanning that QR Code.

Now tell me you are NOT going to scan the below image just because I wanted to show you what a QR Code looks like. Don't do it. It's just an example. Really.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Scam Email: Screening Sharing and Fake Live Chat

Here is a recent twist on a very old scam where the scammer has some story (the victim has a virus on their computer or some fake problem), the victim calls into a number the scammer provides in the message, while talking to victim the scammer gets the victim to agree to download a screen-sharing software so they can "help" them (they won't), and the scammer proceeds to steal passwords, etc. Another old twist on this is the scammer is attempting to send money to the victim (not really) and they pretend to send $10,000 to them instead of $100 (again, its all on faked screening sharing screens) and demand the money back.

So you can see this particular twist on this scam has taken it to the corporate space but it especially also impacts anyone who is signing into their bank account while screen sharing software is running. As you can imagine, that is a bad thing. 

Sometimes, the scammer won't say why you need to click that OK button, which allows them to screen share with your computer, or - as in the image below - they fake an email so you can log into a live chat. But you are not actually logging into a live chat. And once in, the scammer can do anything on your computer at that point.

They are well practiced at moving quickly once they get in on how to steal money and grab passwords. 

So in this twist, the scammer is pretending to be a bank's customer support (or internal technical support where corporate employees are involved) and they want to get you on "live chat" (its screen sharing, not live chat), so they trick the victim into clicking the button that says join live chat. But its not.

Again, this is increasingly impacting corporate employees (because they are jumping on to live chats for meetings all the time) as well as individuals accustomed to live chat to get support on various things.

So terrible. But all we can do is just keep sharing what they are doing to hopefully reduce the number of times they are successful.

Here is what I've seen:

1. Hackers are send personalized emails and texts pretending to be from financial institutions. The email might reference the individuals job title or company role. Or it might be an individual bank customer. 

2. The messages tell victims to download a "live chat app" which is actually remote access software AnyDesk.

3. Once the screen sharing software is running, victims are instructed to share the access code with the "support agent".

These attacks are so effective because they’re so believable and targeted.

- They're commonly used by organizations for IT support

- Banking sites often can't detect if customers are running them during login

- Access codes provide complete control without needing credentials

I *highly* recommend and advocate for all banks to be implementing measures to detect when remote access tools are running when consumers log into their banking accounts. Some do it on the consumer side (not all) but they also need to do it on the corporate side for employees who may become unwitting victims while at work.

As for us consumers, I can only say, be careful out there. When it involves money, ALWAYS be skeptical and verify by another path (i.e. say you'll call yourself into the bank customer service phone line).

As the world becomes default digital, devices and our behavior on all of these convenient devices has become our most vulnerable area of risk for scams.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Latest Paypal Scam - Be Careful!

 Today I received an email that is in the image below. I have been monitoring and reporting on scams for decades, so I feel like I've seen it all. And mostly I have.

Scams are kind of like viruses - the basics are recognizable but there are an endless variety of always emerging variations - all with the goal to evade identification and trick people into the scam. Get their money. Get their personal information so they can sell that. Money. It's about them stealing your money. However they can.

The Paypal scam has been around a LONG time. They have, in the past, sent a fake email that looked like a real paypal email either sending you a [fake] invoice or saying you've received money [you haven't] in order to get your login details (and then they clean out your Paypal account).

So I wasn't surprised to see this scam email in my inbox. Here, let me show you an image:

I hovered (notice how I said HOVER... never ever ever click on these links in the email) over the FROM email and in the old days, that would look like a fake Paypal email address and I would know right then. But this email looked like a real Paypal email address. 

So I kept looking. The next thing actually gave it away but I decided to open a brand new browser and log into my Paypal account myself. But let me show you what gave it away.

I hovered over that TINY link highlighted in the below image.

That was NOT a Paypal address when I hovered over it so bingo - it's a fake email.

If you call the phone number in the fake email, it is likely NOT a legitimate phone number. It's the scammer themselves. Often they will have a foreign accent (no red flag there for customer support people) but often you will hear traffic and noise because the scammer is just walking somewhere. If you continue with the call, they will tell you oh dear - that sounds like a fake email, give me your login details and I will confirm (at which point they will log into your account and clean it out). 

As Paypal now uses Two-Factor Authentication now (sends a code to your phone on file), the scammers will then tell you - oh dear, sounds like your computer has a virus (or security problem) and they will then shift you to the classic scam that traditionally has been fake "Microsoft Support Technicians". So you can see this is just a variation on that. Don't give your login details to ANYONE.

So at this point, this is a pretty classic fake Paypal scam email. I can just delete it and move on with my life.

But I want you to know more about how this scam has evolved. In some cases, the scammers will actually have an actual Paypal account and use the Paypal system itself to send a made-up invoice but it looks real because it IS coming from the Paypal system. They then follow-up with a fake email so they can put a fake customer support number in the email (and now you are back to the above flow if you call the fake support number and they tell you there is a security problem on your computer). It's tricky because there IS an invoice in your real Paypal account.

The fake follow-up email might look something like this:

Note from Billing Department of PayPal:

There is evidence that your PayPal account has been accessed unlawfully. $1,000. 00 has been debited to your account for the Walmart eGift Card purchase. This transaction will appear in the automatically deducted amount on PayPal activity after 24 hours. If you suspect you did not make this transaction, immediately contact us at the toll-free number [redacted] or visit the PayPal Support Center area for assistance. Our Service Hours: (06:00 a. m. to 06:00 p. m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday)

So what is the bottom-line of all this and how can you avoid falling for the many variations of this Paypal scam?

1. Never click on ANY links in emails that are suspicious or asking you to log in or provide private information. Hover over links to see if any of the links looks suspicious. Sometimes its the tiny links at the bottom.

2. Never call the support number that you see inside an email. Just NEVER. That is the safest thing. Open a new browser and look up that vendor's site yourself and find their support number on their website in a clean newly opened browser. Take the extra time to do this.

3. Never give your log in information to anyone. Your legitimate vendors will not ask you for your login password ever.

4. Often, you can google certain details of the scam email you've received and often there will be posts out there like this blog post that will help you identify if its a scam email.

Stay safe out there!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Scam Text: COVID -19

If you, or anyone you know, receives a text that looks anything like this, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK, and block the source. Of course scammers, lacking any sign of humanity or compassion, are going to take full advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to victimize people further. Don’t be one of them.

I will type out the text of this scam so it is searchable. 

“Someone who came in contact with you tested positive or has shown symptoms for COVID-19 & recommends you self-isolate/get tested. More at [scam link inserted here]”

Don’t become a victim to this. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Scam Emails and Texts: Corona Virus COVID

You know that scammers are not going to pass up the chance to trick people using the coronavirus (COVID) pandemic. Expect lots more fake and phishing emails for some time to come leveraging this story and playing on people's fears.

Texts are going out also with false information, requests to get more information, and false claims that products address the corona-virus when they don't. Also fake texts and emails promoting things like surgical masks. DON'T REPLY TO THESE TEXTS OR EMAILS.

Emails are being sent that make it look like it's from some official health agency with an attachment, saying to click on the attachment to get more information on coronavirus. DON'T DO IT. Don't give up your private information to answer a questionnaire, take a quiz, or get access to additional virus information. DON'T DO IT.

We may even see, from an art perspective, and our VERY familiar fake buyer scam, mentions of the corona-virus may get incorporated into their scam email 'stories' as to why money needs to be wired to their shippers (fake). DON'T WIRE MONEY TO ANYONE if you are the seller. Don't accept over-payments, no matter what their story is. DON'T DO IT.

The pandemic is real and we must be safe and take care of each other... but not become susceptible to scammers leveraging this for own criminal activities.

Stay safe out there. And stay calm.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Scam: Online Dating Romance Scam

I am not sure what it is about nigerians and scams - the two seem connected so often. And in this particular case some of the scam nigerians were located in California.

Here is an example - when you report scams to the FTC, how officials do not typically work on individual cases, but look at trends and try to go after the "bigger fish". Romance scams can wipe out the entire savings of elderly people. It takes an orchestrated effort of a group of scammers to successfully pull off romance scams - and they have to succeed at enough of them to support all in the scam group.

Scammers know, with the fake buyer scam we typically see, that if they keep their "take" relatively small and under the radar, the officials don't focus on those cases. So you will typically see them try to steal about $1500-$5000 from their victims. So that is their strategy. Keep the amount of stolen money low and just try and succeed at a lot of them.

Does that mean you don't report yours? No - I would still report any scam where actual money has been lost. You are still contributing to trends and what officials look at. An example is when Texas got hit with a lot of "ransom" scams. The volume was high enough in a targeted area to (a) make the news and (b) get the attention of the authorities.

Okay. So romance scams have red flags to watch out for just like the fake buyer scam. There is a very prescriptive way scammers move through a romance scam. It has a script. Red flags briefly are: (1) their photos to you all seem too good to be true (and are often stolen from online... to an reverse image search on Google or get a family member to help you do one), (b) they typically use a lesser known dating site and send a lot of relentless messages with vague or irrelevant information - typically trying to get you to believe their fake "backstory", (c) relationship is moving too fast - they may even send small token gifts and some go for the long haul - trying to gain your trust over months...but have some reason why meeting face to face is never possible (they will have one last minute excuse one after the other), (d) they WILL ask for money - often a small token amount to begin with, to warm up their victim, and then they will go for larger and larger amounts, typically with some back story - a family member is having a health crisis, a business needs just a little cash flow help, they are trying to get a visa. It is all fake and intended to get your money.

This is a tough scam - they do target lonely and older women and if those lonely older women are not sharing what is happening to them with family members, it is hard to intervene to give them an objective perspective. Usually other family members find out too late. But if you are having an online romance, check to see if any of the photos have been stolen from online and really (your children can help you do a reverse image Google search) - and really - just do not give ANYONE money if you have not met them in real life... and even then there are local scammers and I think it is just not smart to give money to someone in a new relationship. We want to be trusting and kind to others, but first be smart and protective of yourself!

Here is the CNN article they reported on today:

Men in California oversaw a romance scam that targeted women worldwide, feds say

By Faith Karimi, CNN

Updated 6:26 AM ET, Fri August 23, 2019

(CNN) In March 2016, a man claiming to be a US Army captain stationed in Syria reached out to a Japanese woman on an international site for digital pen pals.

Within weeks, their relationship grew into an internet romance with the man sending daily emails in English that she translated via Google. The man who called himself Terry Garcia asked for money -- lots of it -- from the woman identified as FK in federal court documents. Over 10 months, she sent him a total of $200,000 that she borrowed from friends, her ex-husband and other relatives to make her love interest happy.

But in reality, Garcia did not exist. It was all an international online scam ran by two Nigerian men in the Los Angeles area with the help of associates in their home country and other nations, federal officials say.

And Thursday, US prosecutors charged 80 people -- mostly Nigerians -- in the widespread conspiracy that defrauded at least $6 million from businesses and vulnerable elderly women.

Of those, 17 people have been arrested in the US so far and federal investigators are trying to track down the rest in Nigeria and other nations.

[ read more ]

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Scam Email: 'Save Yourself' Ransom Type Scam

This isn't the usual fake buyer scam we deal with so often on this blog, but I've been getting a lot of these emails lately and I felt it was time to post a warning to help others.

The scam type is called 'ransom scam'. The scammer typically will say they have incriminating photos of you via malware they were able to install on your computer, etc. Then they ask for money before they 'release the photos'.

Here is an example of what I've been getting a bunch of lately from scammers. It lists an actual previous password of mine (which I will obviously not show in the example below) but one of these scam emails to you will actually display a password of yours.

Here is the thing: they haven't likely installed any malware on your computer. How did they get your password? Likely from one of the many many data breeches many online companies have experienced. They did not get it from your computer. And I'm hearing online that the password is likely pretty old - so if you are someone who never changes their password AND/OR someone who uses the same password for various things online - it is time to CHANGE that behavior! There are software programs out there that protect and help you manage many different passwords now... use one of them.

I could tell the password the scammers are using with me was one of my old passwords, no longer in use. But you can see how this scam could work on a lot of vulnerable people.

Don't reply to these emails, don't click on anything... except the delete email button.

But it IS a good reminder to change up your passwords periodically and don't use the same one for everything.

Okay - here is the actual text of one of the many I've been receiving:

From: Save Yourself []
Subject: You got recorded - [actual password listed here]

Hi, I know one of your passwords is: [actual password listed here]

Your computer was infected with my private malware, your browser wasn't updated / patched, in such case it's enough to just visit some website where my iframe is placed to get automatically infected, if you want to find out more - Google: "Drive-by exploit".

My malware gave me full access to all your accounts (see password above), full control over your computer and it also was possible to spy on you over your webcam.

I collected all your private data and I RECORDED YOU (through your webcam) SATISFYING YOURSELF!

After that I removed my malware to not leave any traces and this email(s) was sent from some hacked server.

I can publish the video of you and all your private data on the whole web, social networks, over email of all contacts.

But you can stop me and only I can help you out in this situation.

The only way to stop me, is to pay exactly 1000$ in bitcoin (BTC).

It's a very good offer, compared to all that horrible shit that will happen if I publish everything!

You can easily buy bitcoin here: , , , or check for bitcoin ATM near you, or Google for other exchanger.
You can send the bitcoin directly to my wallet, or create your own wallet first here: , then receive and send to mine.

My bitcoin wallet is: 1Nq84HeDmd2JGyRtjqh32QRG4zoSrp8bdL

Copy and paste my wallet, it's (cAsE-sEnSEtiVE)

I give you 3 days time to pay.

As I got access to this email account, I will know if this email has already been read.
If you get this email multiple times, it's to make sure that you read it, my mailer script is configured like this and after payment you can ignore it.
After receiving the payment, I will remove everything and you can life your live in peace like before.

Next time update your browser before browsing the web!

Mail-Client-ID: 4679663290

Friday, August 24, 2018

Scam Email: Jackson Greene

Hi Katie,

I apologize for not being able to find this on my own. I received a message through my art Website from a Jackson Greene.

Date: Thursday, August 23rd, 2018 at 10:35pm
From: Jackson Greene []
Sent from IP address

Hello There,
My name is Jackson Greene from California. I actually observed my wife has been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of work. I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works too, You are doing a great job. I would like to purchase one of your Paintings "[name inserted here]", as a surprise to my wife on our anniversary. Also, let me know if you accept CHECK as mode of Payment.

Thanks and best regards

Seems scammy to me, but I couldn’t verify on your Stop Art Scams Blog. Which is a wonderful service you’ve taken on!

The wording includes a sentence like Steven Leavitt’s though. Agreed?


Friday, August 17, 2018

Scam Email: Tony Grider

The use of English language looked suspicious to me, as well as the 'cashiers check', so I found your site -- very informative and helpful.  I'll just ignore any future emails from "Tony Grider".  Thanks.

Here's the emails.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tony Grider []
Date: August 16, 2018 8:12:36 AM


Okay I'll take it and will offer $900 for

Hatteras in Harbor $450
Hatteras Jetty $450

and will proceed straight with cashier's check which will clear instant or the next day to avoid delays, I am located in LAS VEGAS i will handle the shipment once the check as cleared your bank and funds have been made available to you, the shipper broker will come over to your location to pick up and have it delivered safely to me at my residential.

Please email me back the following details below to issue out the check to you.

Full Name that will be on the check
Full Address to send the check to
Cell phone number

  Waiting to read from you.

Thank you.

Tony Grider

-----Original Message-----
On Aug 16, 2018, at 06:02 AM, Tony Grider [] wrote:


 I am interested in your art work, Kindly please get back to me the asking price for these below:

[list of 4 paintings here]

Thank you

Tony Grider

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Scam Email: Bill Burrus

Hello Kathleen,

Having read your really useful art scam website I’m pretty sure the below is a new name for you, just received!

Kind regards,


From: Bill Burrus []
Sent: 13 August 2018 10:58
Subject: Re: [name of 4 paintings right in subject line]

Hi Gerard,

Thanks for your reply, regarding the prices I have seen it with your reply. Yes I am truely interested in purchasing.

I want you to know that I am purchasing the paintings for a Wedding Anniversary and it really need to get to my destination because the date of the Anniversary is around the corner.

Below are the paintings I am interested to purchase.

[name of 3 paintings listed here]

it will be better to discuss the payment and the shipping on Skype either verbally or typing due to the urgent of the Anniversary if possible it will be better to view the artworks on Skype Video.

My location and address of delivering are below..

1476 River Road
Titusville, NJ 08560

Concerning the payment, the payment I am 100% sure about is to send you a Cashiers check or personal check or transfer the cash into your bank account for the total amount, base on the advise given via my bank.

My Skype name is []  I am available throughout today on Skype to discuss and conclude.

[note: you can bet this scammer will have some reason to never show his face on Skype!]

If you don't have a Skype name kindly go to []  and register with Skype then download it and fix a time to Skype today.


Bill Burrus

Monday, June 11, 2018

Scam Email: Sean Pringle

Hi Kathleen,

I'm forwarding an email I received yesterday through my art website. My immediate reaction was that it looked like a scam so I didn't respond. When I googled art email scams looking for his email address, I didn't see it. But, I did come across your site and thought it would be helpful to other artists to have his info added to your list.

Thanks so much for helping by sharing this info. Glad we can all work together! If you need anything else, please let me know.

And...I just enjoyed looking at the paintings on your website. Hope all is going well for you!

Thanks again,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Pringle []
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 6:45 PM
Subject: Artwork:

Hello ,

I'm Sean Pringle from Pontiac, Michigan. I actually observed my wife has
been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of
work. I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works too,
You are doing a great job. I would like to purchase one of your piece as a
surprise to my wife on our anniversary. Also, let me know if you accept
check as method of payment.


Sean Pringle

Friday, May 11, 2018

Scam Email: Kevin Waters

They didn't lose the website address. They send out hundreds of thousands of email and are hoping their potential victims will respond and tell them the website. Then the scammer can continue on to the next step of the scam, which is to pretend to want to buy individual pieces and then overpay with a counterfeit check and ask to have the difference wired either back to them or on to some fake shipping company.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kevin Waters []
Date: Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:13 PM
Subject: Artwork Inquiry

My name is Kevin Waters from Jacksonvile, Florida. The images on your
website are so fascinating and so vivacious, looking at each piece of work
i can easily see that you added so much dedication in making each work come
out to life, unfortunately i lost the website where i first saw your work
but i was able to save your email address. I will like to purchase some of
your work for my wife as a surprise gift for our 20th anniversary. Please
kindly send pics and prices of some of your art which are ready for
immediate sale within price range $500- $5,000, I could be flexible with
price. I am writing you because i need your assistant to get back to your
website so as to be able to retrieve the details of your work that interest
me or send me images of some of your new works with price.
Best Regards,

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Scam Email: Megan Sweet

Notice the frequent email changes from the scammer in this below exchange as well as the fake story of why the check was so much more than the amount owed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Megan sweet []
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: Artwork
To: Christy

Dear Christy,

I am so excited and can't wait to have the piece in our home. I hope to
give it a very good home and enjoy the piece for many years.
Regarding the check, Just find out my husband made a terrible mistake and
overpaid you because he didn't have full details of the transaction, been
busy when he sent it. I am very sorry for the confusion but I will like you
to go ahead and deposit the check, deduct the cost of the piece inclusive
the shipping . I spoke with my husband and he will like you to send the
difference back to his chief accountant. Pls get Two (2) Money gram or post
office (USPS) money orders of (1) $1000 USD each & (1) $400 totaling $1400,
you might be required to pay extra fee for the purchase of the money orders
and money orders should be left blank, include purchase receipt and use
FedEx Overnight. The money orders should be sent to the address below.

Attn: Mr Karl
9915 198TH ST



FedEx or UPS First Overnight delivery cost about $45. Overnight shipping
FedEx charges can be deducted from the money remaining. I'll appreciate if
you take care of this as soon as possible and advise with the tracking
number. Please acknowledge this email. Thank you.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Christy wrote:

> Good afternoon, Megan,
> I hope that you are enjoying your Friday?
> I just got your check and was rather astonished to see that it was 4 times
> the expected amount! I was going to send your prints, but now I feel that
> we should resolve this. Here are some ideas:
> 1. I can destroy the check and you can send me another for $800
> 2. You can choose 6 more prints. This would give you 3 more in each
> series, or from different ones. Whichever you like best, of course.
> 3. I can have the images matted and framed,  but I'm pretty sure that,
> even with shipping, it would not cost $2400, so you could either choose an
> additional 2 prints or I could destroy the check and you could send me a
> new one for the new amount.
> Please let me know what you would like to do.
> All the best,
> Christy
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Christy
> wrote:
>> Hello Megan,
>> I am sorry that you were struggling with your health! I hope that you are
>> feeling better.
>> Thank you for sending the check and the tracking info. I am planning to
>> send your prints either today or tomorrow and will send the shipping
>> information when I do.
>> Thank you again for your interest in my work!
>> All the best,
>> Christy
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018, 9:51 AM Megan sweet [] wrote:
>>> Good morning Christy,
>>> Hope this message finds you well. Apologies I have not been able to get
>>> in touch for a very long time as i have been battling with health issue.
>>> Just to confirm that payment was sent by my husband on Tuesday via USPS
>>> with tracking number 9405503699300216219950 and he was advise you will have
>>> it deliver today or latest Friday please be on the look out for it.  Kindly
>>> acknowledge receipt of this email as soon as possible.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Megan
>>> On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Christy
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Megan,
>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>> I'll get the prints ready to send to you!
>>>> On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 9:09 AM, Megan sweet []
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Christy,
>>>>> Awesome , the price is okay for the piece . May I confirm if payment
>>>>> could be mailed to you by check to your address, Unfortunately I'm unable
>>>>> to complete this transaction by credit card or Paypal . If you can email me
>>>>> your full name,address for payment that will be helpful
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 7:45 AM, Christy
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Megan,
>>>>>> Now I must apologize to you!
>>>>>> I have been thinking a lot about this, as I did not have prices
>>>>>> listed on Saatchi. Is $400 per print an acceptable amount for you?
>>>>>> About the pieces; I started combining negatives when I first started
>>>>>> working in photography back in the 1990's. I don't consider myself a
>>>>>> serious traveler, but when I am able to make trips, I try to take as many
>>>>>> images as possible. These images from Greece came around because of the
>>>>>> landscape itself; the desolate rocks contrasting with the beauty of the
>>>>>> sunset. Greece itself is very inspiring; I draw a lot from the philosophy,
>>>>>> the poetry and the ancient dramas. A lot of who we are, as people in the
>>>>>> West, comes directly from the Greek thinkers. I try to pay them some subtle
>>>>>> homage, particularly in the titles. I'm glad that you enjoy them!
>>>>>> As payment goes, it might be better to send a PayPal, if possible?
>>>>>> Let me know what you think, and thank you again for your interest in
>>>>>> my work!
>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>> Christy
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Megan sweet []
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Christy,
>>>>>>> Apologies for not getting back to you sooner,It's nice to hear back
>>>>>>> from you. I will like to proceed with the purchase of the 2 pieces (Buried
>>>>>>> in the Sky & Beginning and End), would mind telling me what your
>>>>>>> inspiration behind this piece. I think it is a lovely work and I hope to
>>>>>>> give it a good home. I am presently away on vacation but I should be back
>>>>>>> in few days. Pls confirm it listed price
>>>>>>> 19621 Doris Lane
>>>>>>> N. FortMyers, FL Lee 33917
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, can you please confirm your mailing address and phone
>>>>>>> number so I may inform my husband on where to forward the payment. I can
>>>>>>> have him send the payment asap. About shipping, you can handle it from your
>>>>>>> side to my mailing address above, either by USPS, or FedEx, UPS postal
>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>> I will look forward to hearing from you so I can know how best to
>>>>>>> proceed.
>>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>>> Megan
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 4:49 AM, Christy
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Megan,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your kind words! Here's a link to my Saatchi page:
>>>>>>>> Most of the works are for sale. I am open to discussion about
>>>>>>>> process if you see something you really like.
>>>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>>>> Christy
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 4:47 AM, Megan Sweet []
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I came across your web page , I like your inspiration as an
>>>>>>>>> artist. How about you email me your recent work on sale for me to look
>>>>>>>>> through?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Megan

Scam Email: Renata and Robert Dennis

Hi Kathleen -

In the spirit of trying to keep scammers from taking the joy of receiving an actual purchase order for our art, here an email I received that looks pretty fishy to me - down to the email address:

Renata []
May 7 (1 day ago)
to bcc: me

*Good Day,How is everything with you? I picked interest in your artwork and
decided to write you. I will like to know if your artwork can be purchased
and shipped internationally?.I can email the artwork of interest and
payment will be completed in full once you confirm my purchase order with a
quotation.Kindly let me know when you are in office and ready to take my
artwork order also let me know if you accept either PayPal / Stripe
International Payment or Visa Card or Master Card for payment?Furthermore
you can email me your recently updated website or art price list in your
response.Best Regards.*


I responded confirming that I did ship worldwide and for her to go to my website and click on the "Buy Art" link where most of my pieces (with the exception of two new original works) are available for sale direct from the website. She then responded with a link to the exact 2 pieces that are not
available for sale online. Adding more "weird" to this interaction, I noticed that at the bottom of her message, there seemed to be another email from a "Robert" (same period after the name that "Renata." uses) requesting nanny services (LOL):

     My name is Robert Dennis from Kansas, I will like to know if you
render nanny service? If yes kindly get back to me 7858160171.

Where you locate?




So yes, even as I write this I see scam written all over it. Thank you for your site and consider this my contribution in the fight against these idiots who rather spend time and energy trying to make money on honest people who are trying to spend their time and energy being honest abiding citizens with a dream to live of what their passionate about!

Thank you

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Scam Email: Jim West

My favorite... when a scammer tries to act all indignant in order to get their victims to act quickly.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: jim west []
> Subject: Re: What is going on? Why?
> I have sent you couple of emails, why are you not replying my messages when you got my payment? is this how you treat your client?

No, it's how we treat a scammer who sends a counterfeit check.